Morehouse, Loree Meyer

Loree received her Bachelor of Science degree in Math Education from VCSU in 1989. She taught math and science at Windom Area High School for two years before returning to Valley City to work as the Office Manager for Concrete Dakota. She worked in this role for 13 years before adding the role of Area Manager to her title.
In 2008, Loree joined the VCSU Foundation and Alumni Staff as Data Processor and Research Coordinator. Loree on a daily basis goes above and beyond to fulfill her duties. The pride she shows in her work is beyond words. Larry Robinson said, “We are very fortunate to have Loree as a member of our team. She goes out of her way to provide outstanding service to our alumni, campus community, and the public.” During her time at VCSU, Loree serves on the V-500 Board of Directors as the Presidential Designee, has received the campus Difference Maker Award, can be seen in the stands at VCSU Viking athletic events and has served on the Staff Senate.
Loree’s special memory of her time at VCSU – “I transferred to VCSU in January of my freshman year. On my first day I walked into the Rhoades Science Center, (where I would spend much of my time), and Mr. O’Connell met me in the hallway and said ‘Hi Loree, Welcome to VCSU.’ At the time, I had no idea who he was, but I knew then that I was where I was supposed to be”.
Loree lives in Valley City with her husband, Mike. They have five grown children.